BBC NEWS | Business | Women lead rush to mobile gaming
(Of course, if anyone finds the actual survey, please post a link below…)
BBC NEWS | Business | Women lead rush to mobile gaming
(Of course, if anyone finds the actual survey, please post a link below…)
Nordic Game 2006 – Research Program – Open Call
Call for presenters for an academic symposium “Understanding the Player” at
Nordic Game 2006. 19-20 September. Malmö, Sweden.
A Discovery Channel special. Fun footage from early Pong days, among other things.
If, like me, you’ve wondered how South Korean televised Star Craft actually looks, here is an example. It shows Lim Yo-Hwan take on another player on a custom-made map with inserted Pringles ads.
Not something I see often on Danish television, I must say.
Richard Cobbett delivers rather scathing observations on the old “Girls in Games” journalism template.
Via Game Politics