DIGRA abstract deadline is approaching. Keyboard a-blazing and coffee a-steaming. Vancouver looks charming.
Category: Stuff
They rigged the game
Today, photographer Michael Forsmark allegedly videotaped one of the Danish princes (the younger one) driving recklessly (and way too fast) with his two sons in the car. Forsmark reported this incident to the police who have been quick to comment that even if the accusations are true the prince may rest assured that he cannot be prosecuted since the constitution exempts him.
Let’s look closer… the Danish constitution of 1953 says
Par. 3:
Legislative authority shall be vested in the King and the Folketing conjointly. Executive authority shall be vested in the King. Judicial authority shall be vested in the courts of justice.
Par. 13:
The King shall not be answerable for his actions; his person shall be sacrosanct…
I suppose it is this latter clause which, by the semi-magic of Danish constitutional law is supposed to exempt the prince in question from legal responsibility.
Considering the relationship between royalty and ordinary citizens in a game perspective we can probably agree that game balance is skewed which basically translates into a lack of equity. Citizens are equal in the eyes of the law, err… except for a special group of citizens. Wonderful. In a medieval sort of way.
(Story in Politiken)
Update: The photographer is now being accused of actually provoking the prince (if indeed it was the prince) into speeding. Historian Steffen Heiberg is quoted as warning that a public trial would be nothing less than a scandal. Oh, a scandal! Well, in that case all charges should be dropped immediately.
Update: The photographer, it seems, was once accused of sawing off the head of The Little Mermaid. Baroque.
Better safe than circle
Okay, here’s a little thought. Computer games differ from casually played analogue games in the sense that in the former case the computer processes the game rules while in the latter the processing is performed by human brains and negotiated through language etc. (as I believe Jesper has said somewhere).
This means that when you play a computer games online, say Age of Kings, no matter how you choose to perceive the game (as visual art, as Western mental imperialism etc.) you are still going to lose (or win) in a very concrete sense. In the eyes of the player community, and in the eyes of the game server, you’ve lost or won regardless of the way you perceive the game activity.
The interesting difference here is between players themselves processing the rules and some external system processing the rules (whether a CPU, a team of referees or whatever).
But, some esteemed colleagues object, by drawing this line you (“me” that is) are proposing that computer games are pristine, stable systems while in fact players take great effort to disrupt and “break” the game. I disagree with this objection. First of all, the vast majority of Age of Kings players conform completely to the rules of the game (and even the spirit of the game).
Those who try to break the game are statistical anomalies (and whether we care primarily about anomalies or majorities is a question of taste and disciplinary background).
But even for those players who really do subvert (if you will) the game the rigid nature of computer game rules is still interesting to keep in mind. I find it quite probable that this rigidness inspires deviance. This deviance may be motivated by A) a general dislike of rigid orders and/or B) a feeling that if some autocratic sovereign wants complete un-democratic control of the gamespace then surely anything not directly disallowed by the game code is allowed (or morally defensible). In the latter case the very rigidness of the computer game rules may go a long way towards undermining sportsmanship as opposed to the analogue (non-tournament) game situation where players cannot help but be aware that they are deeply responsible for upholding the game.
Computer game rules disenfranchise the player.
The Crane Incident
No wonder the construction of the new home for the Danish Broadcasting Association (ITU’s neighbour) is dangerously over budget.
That’s what happens when you forget to move the crane before you build…
Game seminar Friday next week
The University of Copenhagen is hosting the next down-to-Earth but often pleasant public game seminar in our twice-a-year series. Program below:
To Kill or not to Kill – and other presentations on computer games research
Friday November 12, 2004
MODINET’s Conference Room 5.2.29a (old KUA)
09.15-09.25: Welcome
09.25-10.05: Gitte Stald Perspectives on Fascination of Death and Violence in Games
10.05-10.45: Kjetil Sandvik Game Characters with Scruples?
10.45-11.00: Coffee
11.00-11.40: Susana Tosca To Kill or not to Kill: the Butterfly Effect in Blade Runner
11.40-12.20: Troels Degn-Johansson On Death and Destruction in Strategy Games
12.20-13.15: Lunch
13.15-13.55: Jesper Juul What the Game Means: About Grand Theft Auto 3
13.55-14.10: coffee
14.10-14.50: Charlie Breindahl Racing Games
14.50-15.30: Jonas Heide Smith Games, Peacocks, and the Theory of Conflict
Killing in the name of…
Yep, GTA San Andreas is out and pushing aging consoles to the limit. As so often before my experience with single-player progression games is limited to brief experimentation but I did manage to drive a bicycle in front of a speeding train and drive recklessly to the inspiring, lofty tones of Rage Against the Machine. I am in no position to comment, but this muscle and fat thing… why?
Update: Check out the more thoughtful thoughts of one Mr. Silencio, AKA the Dr-to-be M. Sicart (or is that “Scart”?).
Uncomfortably true
“The only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little farther down our particular path than we have yet got ourselves.”
—E. M. Forster
State of the art
The State of Play II conference already have a stream archive of all presentations. Smooth.
Same planet, different servers
I stumbled into Guild Wars the other night enjoying the thrill of almost meeting Ren and actually (re)slaying some undead aided by Mirjam’s black magic.
And to think that I finally found a lighthouse. For some time that has been my personal quest whenever I enter a virtual world – to search for lighthouses. Hey, it gives you something to do.
Don’t make me think (about THAT)
I’m fully aware that esteemed colleagues Mads and Martin believe that Usability is Not Enough. Me, however, I belong more to the It Would Be a Damn Fine Start school of thought.
Here is my home doorbell system (a 2004 model). Right (TH) is left, and Left (TV) is right. Except for the ground floor where Right is right and Left is Left. Fair is foul and foul is fair…