Videogame doctors

A recent ill-informed CNN money article asked “What’s next: a Ph.D. in video gaming?
Well, duh! – but I started a small count and actually, the number of game PhD’s to be is quite impressive.
Below is a list of people that I can think of, top of my head, who are speeding towards ludic doctor-hood.

But first the ones who made it (strong focus on games only):
– Mary Ann Buckles (see post on
– Espen Aarseth (no decent link, as Dr. Aarseth believes the WWW thing will blow over)
Lisbeth Klastrup
Jesper Juul
Lars Konzack
Dmitri Williams

En route (in order of randomness):
Gonzalo Frasca, IT University of Copenhagen
Miguel Sicart, IT University of Copenhagen
Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, IT University of Copenhagen
Sara Mosberg, IT University of Copenhagen
Troels Folmann, IT University of Copenhagen
Jonas Heide Smith, IT University of Copenhagen
Chek Yang Foo, Curtin University of Technology
Mirjam Eladhari, Gotland University
– Elina Koivisto, Nokia Research Center (Finland)
Lisa Galarneau, University of Waikato
Constance Steinkuehler, University of Wisconsin–Madison
– Kristine Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen
Gitte Stald, University of Copenhagen
Charlie Breindahl, University of Copenhagen
Anne Mette Thorhauge, University of Copenhagen
– Marinka Copier, University of Utrecht
Christian Ulrik Andersen, University of Århus
Julian Kuecklich, Ulster University
Peter Zackariasson, Umeå School of Business and Economics
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
Sean Fenty, University of Florida

Okay, this list is hopelessly incomplete. Please tell me some of the names that my tired brain didn’t come up with.

The package has been delivered… I repeat…

One should not fail to mention that esteemed former PhD student, long-time Age of Kings show-off and much besides, Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, handed in his massively multi-page PhD dissertation on games and education quite recently.

We who are about to write salute you.

Update: Simon’s timely thesis will be the third game dissertation from our center. The two first were Lisbeth Klastrup‘s Toward a Poetics of Virtual Worlds and Jesper Juul‘s Half-Real (warning: Pretty big PDFs).

Quiet time

From the online adventures of Garrg the Warlock (Shadowmoon server).

Yep, that’s me, the adventurous Garrg. Rejoining my transludic lighthouse quest I have set out across the sprawling world of Azeroth – the picture shows me taking a brief rest from my attempt to swim around the entire continent. Join me, water lovers.