The frequency of use of PC (computer) games by Danes is predicted by three variables: Gender, age, and occupation. Men play more, young people play more, and unemployed, students, and “lønmodtagere på grundniveau” play more. Not sure what “lønmodtagere…” means – people with blue collar jobs perhaps…
Significant differences were also found regarding genre preferences in relation to gender. Paraphrasing a bit:
Men display an interest in more types of games than do women. The three most popular genres for men are action games (28%), racing games (22%) and card- and board games (21%). The three favorite genres of the women are card- and board games (23%), puzzle games (11%) and adventure games (8%).
The spreadsheets have spoken.
Source: The very interesting Danskernes kultur- og fritidsaktiviteter 2004 – med udviklingslinjer tilbage til 1964