on griefing

[Via Gonzalo]

Cnet News have a new piece on griefing. It reports that “Now an increasing number of companies are fighting back, using a combination of technology, sociology and psychology to limit griefer damage.”

Now, I think it makes sense to consider many aspects of grief play directly detrimental to the game atmosphere. But I don’t agree with the apparent assumption that behaviour that does not live up to the “social contract” must be eliminated at all cost. Nor do I find it a sensible solution to entirely do away with possibilities for dramatic player-player interaction – “because then people can’t hurt each other”. The interesting game design challenge is to keep the drama and excitement intact while diminishing the effects of grief play. A few players should not be able to wreck the game space if they choose the dark side, but I’m not sure they should not be able to upset it.

Some reflections of The Package Game

At Danish Christmas get-togethers the package game is often played. Here are some reflections based on recent personal experience. Disclaimer: None of this is to say that my family does not consist of genuinely altruistic warm-hearted Christmas-spirited über-philanthropists.

Rules: Each player brings a package (of some pre-arranged monetary value, say $3) which is placed in a package pool of un-owned packages. In the game’�s first phase players take turns rolling a dice, each 6 rolled enables the player to take one package from the pool. When the pool is empty the game shifts to phase two in which a 6 lets a player take any package owned by another player. Usually, one person sets an alarm clock to a setting within a certain announced interval (e.g. 15-25 minutes). When the alarm sounds, the game is over and everybody keeps his or her then-current presents.

Of course, if the clock-setter is also a player, this creates a slight unbalance as one player is privy to special information about the game state.

So, what can we say about the game dynamics etc.

  • Technically, this is a zero-sum game. The sum is fixed (number of packages).
  • There are (technically) incentives to cooperate. For instance, in a player group of 10, 5 might agree never to ‘steal’ from one another. Unless the rest catch on, anyone on the ally side will then only be potentially victimized by 5 players, while any non-ally will have 9 enemies.
    Less than full-blown pre-game conspiracy will do. In the logic of Tit-for-Tat any player may (at a short-term cost) communicate his or her vengefulness by always reciprocating an attack � the message may be clearest if the person consistently steals the present that the other player stole from him or her most recently. However, this strategy works poorly against itself and the trick is of course when to quit if caught up in a disastrous series of mutual retaliation (hey, I take my package game seriously).
  • The game has negative feedback (there’s a push towards an equality equilibrium) due to the norm (see below) that you should generally steal packages from those who have many.

A number of social norms seem to apply in the games I’ve participated in:

  • You don’t steal packages from small children (unless they have huge numbers of packages)
  • You should not steal packages from the very package-poor (players generally scan the table for the larger piles and steal from them)
  • ‘You don’t steal from extremely close family (your own children, your spouse). Alternative phrasing: You don’t steal from those with whom you will be next to you on the car ride home. Alternative 2: You consider packages taken by members of your household as partly yours since they’ll be under your roof (i.e. the value of taking such a package is less than 1 since you’re partly stealing from yourself).

[More to come as field work progresses]

Muchos seran los llamados…

[Via Lars Konzack]

As a counterpoint to lists warning against Top 1o Most Evil Games, many feel called to make a canon of the very finest specimens ever.
Here’s Kjetil Sandvik‘s recent attempt:

  • Spacewar (first real computer game)
  • Pong (first commercial game)
  • Colossal Cave Adventure (first text adventure)
  • Asteroids (first commercial and succesful vectorbased game)
  • MUD1 (First multi-user dungeon/dimension)
  • Mario Bros (first character-based platform game)
  • Madden NFL (first good licensed sport game)
  • Pole Position (first good driving game)
  • Pac Man (the ultimate arcade game)
  • The Ultima-series (long, commercial and artistic succesful RPG-series)
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator (first, pure and best simulator)
  • Civilization (Ground-breaking God perspective/building game, marvelous gameplay)
  • Tetris (A class of its own)
  • Myst (first visually narrative CD-ROM)
  • Doom (historically epoch-making technology/content)
  • Tekken (most succesful martial arts games)
  • Final Fantasy-series (Ground-braking adventure/RPG)
  • The Sims (Again a class of its own)
  • Grand Theft Auto (first and biggest in 3D freedom-of-movement, ironically, theme-based, show-off sound track)

In the eye of the beholder

David Thomas of Buzzcut comments on the recent debate sparked by the list of 10 Worst Violent Video Games published by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility.

He is not exactly impressed:

The net effect is to mask real efforts to improve the videogame rating and retail system, and to push to the side a fair dialog about the social impacts of games. The word I’m looking for, the context again, is propaganda. The ICCR has stooped to punditry to press their point of view. And as a result, the good in their mission is tainted with the stink of polemic politics.

The medium is the message

[DANISH] – Here‘s yours truly speaking briefly about the study of multiplayer games on DR’s P1 Morgen (fast-forward to around 17:10). All in honour of Other Players.
The interview was cut a little short, so the public was cheated of some planned thoughtful-yet-humorous responses such as my (probably eagerly anticipated) Tolstoy-Chess analogy.

The power of expectations

At Edge Daniel C. Dennett describes his Law of Needy Readers:

On any important topic, we tend to have a dim idea of what we hope to be true, and when an author writes the words we want to read, we tend to fall for it, no matter how shoddy the arguments. Needy readers have an asymptote at illiteracy; if a text doesn’t say the one thing they need to read, it might as well be in a foreign language. To be open-minded, you have to recognize, and counteract, your own doxastic hungers.

In other words, he agrees with Forster.
Interestingly, I really liked Dennett’s book.