OK, I did it. I let myself be logged on to World of Warcraft (EU beta). Just to have a look, purely for research purposes, and with no intention of staying. Taking the form of a purple-haired female gnome I went for a bit of sight-seeing. There’s no denying that this world looks extremely stylish and it all feels awfully atmospheric (in a comic book kind of way). Whether or not it’s actually fun to play (casually) remains to be seen. But I think I’ll continue the wolf-slaying a bit once the actual game opens (late feb). See you there.
Tag: Computerspil
Being worthy
Read Lessig’s “They’re not worthy” comment in Wired.
Is anybody, I wonder, publishing lists of the (interesting) material that enters the public domain every new years eve…? Is anyone taking steps towards making some of it accessible, e.g. online…?
Dr. Klastrup’s dissertation
Lisbeth Klastrup’s dissertation “Towards a Poetics of Virtual Worlds: Multi-User Textuality and the Emergence of Story” was just put online. Get it while you can!
Origami unicorns
Prof. Henry Jenkins is visiting today and will be speaking at 16:15 under the heading Searching for the Origami Unicorn: The Matrix and Transmedia Storytelling.
Read more…
A rapid descent
As I write Huygens plunges towards Titan. Latest news is that “Huygens reaches ‘interface altitude’The ‘interface altitude’ is defined as 1270 kilometres above the surface of the moon where entry into Titan’s atmosphere takes place. “
Small pod, powerful forces. Good luck, little saucer.
Size matters
I’m a die-hard Endnote fan but my Great Expectations regarding my dissertation work are rapidly approaching ground level as I realize that the blessings of EN really doesn’t scale to large-size documents. It… really… doesn’t…
Studying player collaboration
In the very near future I’ll begin work on studying the concrete social interaction of real people playing various types of multiplayer games (games with different patterns of collaboration). The project involves both qualitative interviews and structured observation.
There are many possibilites for (ITU) students to collaborate on this project, so if you are one or know one, with interests running in this direction, get in touch.
Everything you need to write a good project
[You may be looking for my list of project writing advice]
If you’re a Danish speaking/writing undergraduate student and feel less than 100% confident of your project writing skills, by all means consult Rienecker and Jørgensen’s book “Den Gode Opgave – opgaveskrivning på videregående uddannelser”. This book is full of excellent observations and great advice.
ICEC Call for papers
The ICEC 2005 CFP is out. Japan, anyone?
In glorious 3D
The recent earth-shattering (and server-crashing) news of Age of Empires III being in the advanced stages of development made me tackle the technicalities of encouraging the prequel to run on (through) my DSL. It was worth every bit of geekish tinkering.
Meet me on zone.com ye who dare (ask for Lord_Wumpus).
Interesting bucket of mixed emotions on the forums. Mainly the 3D extravanganza has a few people worried (me – and certainly my trusted laptop – included).