A game, of course, is a series of interesting choices.
Category: Stuff
Reluctantly interactive stacking game a success with parents’ groups
Take-Two’s "Stacker" wins the acclaim of parents’ groups: "A demo version of Stacker was unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show in September and garnered praise from parents’ groups who lauded its unstimulating visuals, utter lack of storyline, and non-immersive game play."
Developers promise that "We’re confident that the new ‘reluctantly interactive’ content engine we designed will prevent any excitement or emotional involvement, inappropriate or otherwise, on the part of the player."
Now, why is that so funny?
The Onion has the full story.
Half-Real is fully published
Jesper‘s undoubtably seminal book Half-Real has arrived, with a nice companion web-site.
Get it. Waste no time.
Long time, no siege
Dread is a large word, but I had anticipated the arrival of AoE III with some worry. Hearing strategy game developers of the game to replace my favourite AoE II discuss how they had spent a year getting the water just right tends to inspire such feelings. We’d all heard about fancy 3D stuff, the Havok engine etc. while discussions of improved – or even changed – gameplay had been few and far between.
Having played the game a bit it now seems that gameplay changes are indeed modest (which means that AoE II skills transfer almost directly). Most importantly micromanagement has been almost eliminated. Not only do villagers not need to build and rebuild farms, they now do not have to carry the resources anywhere at all which means you can collect resources without worrying about your vils travelling a long way. Less strategy involved, of course, but all in all a pretty good thing it seems to me. The game continues the tradition (known from Age of Mythology but not from previous AoE games) of having certain designated spaces on the map which support particular buildings giving particular advantages. I didn’t like this aspect of Age of Mythology but in AoE III it seems to have been downplayed although it’s still a feature which shapes the conflict to some extent (largely a bad thing, but it does speed up the game somewhat).
Officially, the Great New Feature is the “home city”, which is meant to be a source of identification (the city can level up which is novel at least) and which holds your deck of cards. Yep, the whole deck of cards idea seems far-fetched but appears to be less of a nuisance than one might think.
Which brings me, in a classical non sequitur, to the player matching system. And here, finally, real change is apparent. Oh yes, it’s still fairly counter-intuitive and rather poorly explained, but it seems to combine virtues from the matching system of AoE II and AoM in a way which actually works. I know it sounds improbable but it’s now possible to actually go online and start a game within minutes – unheard of in AoE II (where, oftentimes, you couldn’t start a game at all). In the end this change, completely outside the “core” game which you usually see described in reviews and such may turn out to be the most important one by far.
And what I meant to say: Let me know if you’re up for battle in the new world.
[post-entry rant: The game is extremely buggy. Sound shuts down, the update crashes the game etc. but that’s just too ridiculous to even mention – particularly being a Microsoft game which supposedly can speak to Windows and has been tested to some extent.]
Girl worry
I think it’s pretty fascinating how certain memes and myths regarding gaming travel around the globe, die out for a while only to respawn briefly or more massively.
Used to be that a lot of people would express worry that gaming gave boys an advantage since it would introduce them to computers. And girls, not playing (much), would be left behind. But this was mostly an early-to-mid 90s meme, since after that gaming generally didn’t rely on much general computer skill.
I hadn’t heard this type of argument for years but the other day Jyllands-Posten claimed that “Online games give boys a number of skills that are wanted in business. Girls miss this development”. In the article professor Birgitte Holm Sørensen argues that schools must see to it that girls achieve the necessary skills. Forced WoW play during recess? Girls taken aside for Counter-Strike classes? My daughter‘s schooling may turn out very differently from my own.
Distant Sound of Trumpets indeed…
To: Jonas Heide Smith(jonas@autofire.dk)
Your order for Age Of Empires III has been posted.Please allow 3-5 days delivery.
Update: Things are not going as planned (my stats).
Danish computer game use is predicted by…
The frequency of use of PC (computer) games by Danes is predicted by three variables: Gender, age, and occupation. Men play more, young people play more, and unemployed, students, and “lønmodtagere på grundniveau” play more. Not sure what “lønmodtagere…” means – people with blue collar jobs perhaps…
Significant differences were also found regarding genre preferences in relation to gender. Paraphrasing a bit:
Men display an interest in more types of games than do women. The three most popular genres for men are action games (28%), racing games (22%) and card- and board games (21%). The three favorite genres of the women are card- and board games (23%), puzzle games (11%) and adventure games (8%).
The spreadsheets have spoken.
Source: The very interesting Danskernes kultur- og fritidsaktiviteter 2004 – med udviklingslinjer tilbage til 1964
PhD scholarship in level design available
Danmarks Designskole and IO interactive have announced a PhD scholarship in level design. The announcement is in Danish – not sure if they only want Danish speakers.
Continue reading PhD scholarship in level design available
Jack Thompson does a Godwin
A part of me refuses to believe that anti-game crusader Jack Thompsom really exists.
But it would appear, according to Game Politics, that he just pulled a Godwin in a letter to Senator Joe Lieberman:
I think Doug [Lowenstein] is a liar… Doug Lowenstein, in my opinion, is personally responsible for a number of deaths. He is paid well to spin like the worst propagandists in history. I don’t need to tell you the harm that propagandists can cause, the lives they can cost. The Third Reich was founded upon propaganda as surely as it was founded upon armaments. When Doug Lowenstein says the industry wants kids not to buy these games, he is lying. When he says there is no proof that these games hurt kids, he is lying. Dave would not say so. I say so. I’m not nice, and I don’t pretend to be.
The Third Reich? Isn’t that a bit mild? What about the dark lord Sauron himself?