Being a list of things that someone has published.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2024). Museet og de kloge maskiner. Danske Museer, forår 2024.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2019). 10 tips til det selskabelige museum. Danske Museer, december 2019.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2019). Den frie kulturarv har ikke mange venner i verden. Politiken, 15/9-2019.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2019). Skærmangst: Lad os lige tage en dyb indånding – irrationel modvilje mod unges socialitet er og bliver en dårlig idé. Politiken, 30/6-2019.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2019). Politikerne må stoppe op og sætte klare grænser for den digitale overvågning. Politiken, 13/1-2019.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2018). Kommunikatørens death-fight med SoMe. Kommunikationsforum, 25/1-2018.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2017). Velkommen til det algoritmiske mareridt. Kommunikationsforum, 19/10-2017.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2017). Everything Anywhere: Welcome to Your New Life as a Platform. Museum-iD, 2017.
Various entries on the SMK Open blog (2016-2020), e.g. We’re open! — Thoughts on building a new home for SMK’s online collection and Finally: A new website for SMK.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2015). Undskyld, men må vi remixe dit indhold? Kommunikationsforum, 23/9-2015.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2015). Like lige mit had: Boganmeldelse af “So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed”. Kommunikationsforum, 8/4-2015.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2015). The Me/Us/Them Model: Prioritizing museum social media efforts for maximum reach. Museums and the Web 2015.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2014). Boganmeldelse: Sig du kan li’ mig. Dansk Kommunikationsforening, 4/11-2014.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2014). Online-managerens dilemma. Dansk Kommunikationsforening, 15/9-2014.
Smith, Jonas Heide & Bergstrøm, Ditte Maria (2014). Skær væk! Sociale medier, nu da virkeligheden har indfundet sig. Dansk Kommunikationsforening, 4/8-2014.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2014). Er din konference på Twitter?. Dansk Kommunikationsforening, 28/4-2014.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2014). Uendeligt univers i primitive pixels. Kommunikationsforum, 12/2-2014.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2014). Velkommen til tryghedspsykosen. Kronik i Berlingske, 3/1-2014.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon & Smith, Jonas Heide & Tosca, Susana (2012). Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction (2nd Edition). New York: Routledge. [Facebook page].
Smith, Jonas Heide (2011). W4 segmenterne. Kommunikationsforum, 15/12-2011.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2011). Du står for enden af en vej: Computerspil og fantasy. Kritik #202. [PDF]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2011). En forbløffende god bog om computerspil. Version2, 7/10-2011.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2010). Angry Birds er antiopskrift med absolut succes. Kommunikationsforum, 8/12-2010.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2010). Computerspil overtager dit liv. Politiken, 22/8-2010.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2010). Trusting the Avatar. Games and Culture, vol. 5, no. 3. [Draft version].
Smith, Jonas Heide (2009). Nekrolog: Websitet er dødt…. Nettet leve!. Politiken, 2/5-2009.
Just, Sine Nørholm & Smith, Jonas Heide (2009). Playful Persuasion: The Rhetorical Potential of Advergames. Nordicom Review, vol. 30, issue 2.
Drachen, A. & Heide Smith, J. (2008): Player Talk – The functions of communication in multi-player Role Playing Games – Players and Media. In ACM Computers in Entertainment (ACM Publishers), vol. 6, issue 3, 40 pp. (October 2008). DOI: 10.1145/1461999.1462008 PDF (post-print).
Tychsen, A. & Heide Smith, J.: Game format effects on communication in multi-player games. In proceedings of FUTURE PLAY 2008 (Toronto, Canada), ACM publishers, 113-120. DOI: 10.1145/1496984.1497003 PDF (pre-print).
Tychsen, A.; Heide Smith, J.; Hitchens, M. & Tosca, S. (2006): Communication in Multi-Player Role Playing Games – The Effect of Medium. In Proceedings of Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE) 2006 Conference (Darmstadt, Germany), Springer Publishers, LNCS vol. 3942, 277-288. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-89454-4_31 PDF (post-print)
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon & Smith, Jonas Heide & Tosca, Susana (2008). Understanding Video Games. New York: Routledge.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2008). Tragedies of the Ludic Commons. Game Studies.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2007). Book Review: Persuasive Games – The Expressive Power of Videogames. Game Research.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2007). Facebook: Vi er blevet hypersociale. Politiken, 18/11-2007.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2007). No Medium is an Island: An essay on the video game and its cultural neighborhood. Game Research (August 2007).
Smith, Jonas Heide (2007). Who Governs the Gamers. In: J. Patrick Williams & Jonas Heide Smith (eds.) (2007). The Players’ Realm: Studies on the Culture of Video Games and Gaming. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. [Book details]
J. Patrick Williams & Jonas Heide Smith (eds.) (2007). The Players’ Realm: Studies on the Culture of Video Games and Gaming. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. [Book details]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2006). Plans and Purposes: How Videogame Goals Shape Player Behaviour. PhD dissertation, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2006). The games economists play – implications of economic game theory for the study of computer games. Game Studies, vol 6, issue 1.
Tychsen, Anders & Smith, Jonas Heide & Hitchens, Michael & Tosca, Susana (2006). Communication in Multi-Player Role Playing Games – The Effect of Medium. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Berlin: Springer Verlag. (If you don’t have Springer access, try this version).
Smith, Jonas Heide (2005). Computerspil skaber vold – ligesom børn kommer med storkene, ikke?. Politiken, 4/9-2005.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2005). The Aesthetics of Antagonism . Paper presented at the Aesthetics of Play conference, Bergen University, Bergen, Norway. October 14-15, 2005.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2005). Rammer for en handling – Computerspillets designhistorie i grove træk. In: Walther, Bo Kampmann & Jessen, Carsten (eds.). Spillets Verden, DPU Press. [Kladde-version]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2005). Agreeing to disagree – pre-game interaction and the issue of community. Paper presented at the Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2005: 4th International Conference, Sanda, Japan, September 19-21, 2005.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2005). The Problem of Other Players – In-game Collaboration as Collective Action. Paper presented at the Changing Views: Worlds in Play conference (DIGRA), Vancouver June.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon & Smith, Jonas Heide (2004). Playing With Fire – How do Computer Games Influence the Player? NORDICOM (see NORDICOM page)
Smith, Jonas Heide (2004). Playing dirty – understanding conflicts in multiplayer games. Paper presented at the 5th annual conference of The Association of Internet Researchers.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2004). Book review: History for Coffee Tables – Van Burnham’s Supercade. Game Research (January 2004).
Smith, Jonas Heide (2004). Does gameplay have politics?. Game Research (April 2004)
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Computerspillet mod nye horisonter. Information (kronik). [Også publiceret på Kommunikationsforum].
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Pli på nettet. Politiken (kronik), 7-2-2003.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Book review: Form trouble – Markus Friedl’s Online Game Interactivity Theory. Game Research.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon & Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Forskningsnotat om computerspil og skadelighed. Notat til Medierådet for Børn og Unge. [Svensk version, PDF: Datorspel och skadlighet].
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Kunsten at skabe venlige brugere. COMUNICARE no. 3, september 2003, Center for Kommunikation, Handelshøjskolen i København.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Avatars you can trust – A survey on the issue of trust and communication in MMORPGs. Game Research.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2003). Book review: Bits of Context – The New Media Reader. Game Research.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2002). Bogomtale: From Chance to Choice. Politologiske Studier, vol. 5, no. 15.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2002). Computer Game Research 101 – A Brief Introduction to the Literature. Game Research. [Japanese version]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2002). The Road not Taken – The How’s and Why’s of Interactive Fiction. Game Research.
Smith, Jonas Heide & Walther, Bo Kampmann (2002). Det er de andre mediers skyld!. SAMSON, juli 2002. [Også bragt på Kommunikationsforum med titlen Counter Strike Strikes Back].
Smith, Jonas Heide (2002). The Architectures of Trust – Supporting Cooperation in the Computer-Supported Community. MA Thesis, Dept. of Film and Media studies, University of Copenhagen.[1.9MB, read introduction here]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2001). Den sociale Maskine – perspektiver på computerunderstøttede fællesskaber. Politologiske Studier, vol. 4, no. 4.
Smith, Jonas Heide (2000). Dragen på loftet – om rammerne for interaktiv fiktion / The Dragon in the Attic. SAMSON, juli 2000.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon & Smith, Jonas Heide (2000). Den digitale Leg – om børn og computerspil Hans Reitzels Forlag, København. [Bogen kan hentes gratis i PDF-format]
Smith, Jonas Heide (2000). Når læseren får magten / The Empowered Reader. SENTURA, no. 8.
Smith. Jonas Heide (2000). Tekst, tegn og 3D-shootere. SAMSON, april 2000.
Smith. Jonas Heide (2000). Klik her for at fortsætte. Inquirer, marts 2000.
Smith. Jonas Heide (1999). Mediernes lette tilstand. SAMSON, december 1999.
Smith. Jonas Heide (1999). Det glemte Medie / The Forgotten Medium. SAMSON, april 1999.
Smith. Jonas Heide (1998). Det teknologiske B-hold. SAMSON, august 1998
Various columns for Game Research: – Does Gameplay have politics? – Cry Freedom – What Women Want – Stories From the Sandbox
Diverse artikler i Dagbladet Information (se alle), bl.a.: – Leg for milliarder – Sku’ det være kunst? – Digitale Designdrømme – Computerspillet der ville være videnskab – Nettets magthavere – Drømmen om de tænkende maskiner – Ved en fildelers død – Test dig selv: Er du en regnemaskine? – Sociobiologi i modvind
Diverse artikler i instituttidsskriftet Inquirer, bl.a.: – Nye medier i Århus – Mediesociologiske nedslag